Time Management in GRE

Time is of the essence, they say. There are few areas in life in which this cliché is more pertinent than it is to the GRE.

Surely , clever time saving strategies, cannot fill in any deficits of knowledge. However,they can help you perform much better on the anxiety-provoking GRE.

Attempt the easier Questions first:

 Try attempting the easier questions first before diving in for the long passage in the verbal section.
It would certainly help you score more.
Though it is always tempting to go on sequentially,but you have to try and spot out the easier questions first.

Skip the tough Text Completions:

Feel free to read it, and if you get it right away, great! If not, do not spend time stewing in the muddle of sentences. Later, if you have time to come back to it, your brain should be more likely to discern the paragraph’s meaning (after all, you have already read it once). If you don’t have time, don’t worry. That monster Text Completion is worth the same number of points of the easy one-blanker.

Try to come back to a tough Quants Problem:

It is great to try an come back to the tough Quants problem if time permits you to do so.
It is so because,if you have already read the question once,its quite possible that you might be able to crack the question faster when you come back to it later.


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